Rice Husk Charcoal Briquette Machine

Author: Admin View: Post Time: 2013 / 03 / 13
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Rice Husk Charcoal Briquette Machine



With the rising price of conventional fuel (coal, oil, natural gas) , the new energy resources start to get people’s attention, many people begin to focus on biomass fuel business. In agricultural countries, biomass briquettes are used as a kind of renewable, clean, eco-friendly energy fuel. This plant uses biomass, agricultural and forest waste as materials and produce stick shape briquette in different diameters.

Rice husk charcoal briquette machine also named extruder machine, sawdust briquette machine, straw briquette machine, peanut shell briquette machine,etc. It is a basic plant to recycle the waste of agriculture, such as sawdust, sugarcane bagasse, peanut shell, wood chips.


Flowchart of the Biomass Briquetting Plant:


Flowchart of the Biomass Briquetting Plant



Technical Parameter



Type Capacity Motor Power Weight Size
III 120-160 kg/hour 11  kw 400  kg 1.7×0.66×1.5 m
IV 150-200 kg/hour 15  kw 500  kg 1.7×0.66×1.5 m



1. moisture of raw material should be 8%-12%

2. size of raw material should less than 5 mm, the smaller the better


 sample show


Rice Husk Briquetting Machine Rice Husk Briquetting Machine


 Rice Husk Briquetting Machine

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